Zirconia Implant

Zirconia Implant

TunisDentalClinic now offers replacement teeth extracted by biocompatible implants Zirconia,

Zirconia Dental Implant:

With the rise of aesthetic requirements and the desire not to use metal for prosthetic work in the mouth, the use of zirconia has become indispensable in modern dentistry. Material of choice for metal-free restorations, zirconia allows the manufacture of implant, implant abutment (also often called inlay-core or false stump) and crown.

Benefits of zirconia implants placed in Dental Clinic Tunis, Tunisia:· Functionality and comfort

· Total biocompatibility, hypoallergenic

· Guaranteeing perfect color aesthetics

· Low thermal conductivity

· Self-taraudants implants for optimum osteo-integration

· Full zirconia restoration: implant, abutment, crown

· Material according to the European standard

· Total restoration without metal


· Computer-aided layout

· Implant placement without pain

· Utilizing delayed or immediate loading as appropriate

· Very competitive price: zirconia implant

Zirconia implants  posed by  Dr. BACH Tobji to Tunis Dental Clinic in Tunis

The zirconia implants with a clinical history of 30 years, manufactured in Germany and Swisse, represent an excellent quality / price ratio on the market.


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